
Die Datei für Konfiguration anlegen

Format Datei

Beispiel einer tax-rates Datei:

AT;0;*;AT 20%;20.0;;;;inkl. MwSt;including VAT
DE;0;*;DE 19%;19.0;;;;inkl. MwSt;including VAT

Beispiel einer tax-rules Datei:

Standard VAT Rule;0;0;0;AT 20%,DE 19%;Retail Customer;Standard Rate

Die Datei aufrufen

# Create new product tax classes in your setup script
$taxClassId = $this->taxConfigurator->createProductTaxClass('Standard Rate');

# Maintain tax rates and tax rules in CSV files (see example for [tax rates](doc/tax-rates.csv) and [tax rules](doc/tax-rules.csv))
# Update tax rates and rules in your setup script

for Magneto 2.3.x: Do not use startSetup() and endSetup() around the functions as it disables the foreign keys check and the old rates can not be fully deleted