Changelog Checkout Icons
Module Quality / Troubleshooting
Update module readme (TDMET-860)
Provide module changelog (TDMET-860)
Update module dependencies
Update test routines
Improve module quality
Store related Checkout Icons (TDMET-798)
Store select for create or edit checkout icons
Display checkout icons depending on store
Provide database migration for store data
Update and extend unit and integration tests
Update test routines
Provide version display info (TDMET-754)
Adapt module ACL (TDMET-705)
Magento 2.4 Compatibility (TDMET-568)
Update module dependencies
Refactoring based on version changes (CSP eg.)
Update test routines
General module improvements
Config to hide icons on defined view-port (TDMET-560)
Provide default styles (TDMET-528)
Provide compatibility configs for 3rd-party-modules (TDMET-527)