Getting started

As of version 3.8.0, the structure of the setup has changed considerably, and the previous configuration files are no longer be used.

To avoid complex adjustments of the configuration, version 3.8.0 merged the configuration for all entities into one but dedicated overwriting of individual settings is now possible, e.g. for the log level.

To install the Magnento 2 Import Framework, the Composer is necessary.

The framework itself is a set of components that provides import functionality for Magento 2. This repository, based on Symfony Console, uses the package Pacemaker Community Edition (CE) and provides a command-line tool with import functionality for Magento 2 standard CSV files.

Before you start, keep in mind, that we’ve prepared a complete set of sample data. The sample data containing

  • attribute-sets

  • attributes

  • categories

  • products

are based on the original Magento 2 sample data.

Please check out our sample data repository when you are going to test Pacemaker Community Edition (CE) or to find out, how the CSV files have to be structured.

For Magento versions 2.2.x and 2.3.x, up from the Pacemaker Community Edition (CE) version, 3.6.0 can be used.