How to configure a pipeline

To define a new pipeline, you need to add a pipeline.xml file into the etc directory of your module.

Here is some sample content for a pipeline.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:module:TechDivision/ProcessPipelines/etc/pipeline.xsd">
    <pipeline name="my_custom_pipeline" description="Some description" use-working-directory="true">
            <pipeline_condition type="MyCompany\MyModule\Helper\Condition\Pipeline\CheckSomeThing" description="Some description"/>
        <step name="my_first_step" executorType="MyCompany\MyModule\Model\Executor\DoSomeThing" sortOrder="10" description="" >
                <step_condition type="TechDivision\ProcessPipelines\Helper\Condition\Step\AttemptsLimit\Limit5" description="Try step up to 5 times"/>
        <step name="my_second_step" executorType="MyCompany\MyModule\Model\Executor\DoSomeMoreStuff" sortOrder="20" description="" >
                <argument key="some_key" value="some_value" />
                <step_condition type="TechDivision\ProcessPipelines\Helper\Condition\Step\PreviousStepsCompleted" description="Run after the first step"/>
                <step_condition type="MyCompany\MyModule\Helper\Condition\Step\CheckSomeThing" description="Check something..."/>
        <step name="my_third_step" executorType="MyCompany\MyModule\Model\Executor\DoClearingStuff" sortOrder="30" description="" runAlwaysStep="true">
                <step_condition type="TechDivision\ProcessPipelines\Helper\Condition\Step\AttemptsLimit\Limit1" description="Try step up to 1 times"/>
                <step_condition type="TechDivision\ProcessPipelines\Helper\Condition\Step\PreviousStepsFinished" description="Run always when one step started"/>

Description for XML nodes and attributes

Node Description


Definition of a new pipeline configuration. You can overwrite or extend existing pipelines by using the same name.

-- name

Required, string; Unique identifier, which is used for instantiating a pipeline by CLI and can be used for condition rules, etc.

-- description

Optional, string; Description text for the pipeline. Will be displayed in UI and CLI as 'name' of the pipeline.

-- use-working-directory

Optional, boolean; If defined, a working directory will be autogenerated while pipeline instantiation. The path for this directory is configurable and can be retrieved within an executor by $step->getWorkingDir().


Optional; One or multiple conditions which should be true to cause a new pipeline execution


Configuration of a pipeline condition

-- type

Required, string; Defines the class, which will be executed to run the condition check.

-- description

Optional, string; Description text for given condition. It will be displayed on UI, logs, CLI, etc.


Each pipeline has at least one step. The step describes which executor should be run once the step conditions are true

-- name

Required, string; Unique identifier, which is used for running/executing the step by CLI and can be used for condition rules, etc.

-- executorType

Required, string; Defines the class, which will be executed to run the step.

-- sortOrder

Required, string; Defines the sorting of steps. Useful for resorting to the steps by other modules/extensions.

-- description

Optional, string; Description text for given step. Will be displayed on UI, logs, CLI, etc.

-- runAlwaysStep

Optional, boolean; If this flag is set, the step will be executed in any case. Even if the pipeline is canceled or abandoned. Kind of 'finally' step.


Optional; Holds one or many executor arguments


Step executor argument

-- key/value

Required, string; Since arguments are array at all, both arguments represent the key and value of each array node.


One or multiple conditions that should be true to cause the step execution.


Configuration of a step condition

-- type

Required, string; Defines the class, which will be executed to run the condition check.

-- description

Optional, string; Description text for given condition. It will be displayed on UI, logs, CLI, etc.

There are already several default conditions and executors available therefore.