Transform foreign import source

Often the import files are not ready to be imported when we receive them from the foreign systems.

Usually there data missing, which needs to be filled with Magento insides like category paths or website codes.

Therefore there is a transformation step inside the given import pipelines.

In this example, we will replace the default executor with custom logic ( Create your own module. ).

Manipulate the pipeline

By creating a own pipeline.xml in the etc folder of our module, we can create own pipelines and overwrite existing.

In this example, we want to change the executor of the step product_transformation step within the pacemaker_import_catalog pipeline.

Content of app/code/MyModule/CustomCatalogImport/etc/pipeline.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:module:TechDivision_ProcessPipelines:etc/pipeline.xsd">
    <pipeline name="pacemaker_import_catalog">
        <step name="product_transformation" executorType="MyModule\CustomCatalogImport\Model\Executor\TransformationExecutor" />

We create a pipeline node with the name "pacemaker_import_catalog" and add here a single step node with the name "product_transformation".

Both nodes are merged between the pipelines. By defining an own executorType we will change the previously defined executor since the sequence in the module.xml of our module gives our module higher priority.

Transformation logic

Once we created our module and changed the executor for the transformation step, we need to make the executor class.

In the previous part, we already chose the class name MyModule\CustomCatalogImport\Model\Executor\TransformationExecutor, which means we need to create the file app/code/MyModule/CustomCatalog/Import/Model/Executor/TransformationExecutor.php according to the PSR-4 autoloader.

We suggest the directory structure Model/Executor, Model/Condition/Step and Model/Condition/Pipeline for the corresponding classes.

Place the following code; we already have a valid executor.


namespace MyModule\CustomCatalogImport\Model\Executor;

use TechDivision\ProcessPipelines\Api\StepInterface;
use TechDivision\ProcessPipelines\Model\Executor\AbstractExecutor;

class TransformationExecutor extends AbstractExecutor
     * @inheritdoc
    public function process(StepInterface $step): void


To test your current implementation, you can add the following code into the body of your process method and execute the pipelines.

$this->getLogger()->info("It works ;)");

Use the CLI to observe your pipeline (bin/magento pipeline:status -w 2). See the details for your pipeline with bin/magento pipeline:detail <PIPELINE_ID> and retrieve the log for your transformation step with bin/magento pipeline:step:show <STEP_ID>. The result should be something like

--- ATTEMPT 1 ---
[2020-02-11 11:10:40] executor.INFO: It works ;)

Now you’re able to add your custom logic to this executor to transform the given files. The file paths for this import pipeline are present in the $step as arguments. Execute $files = (array)$step->getArgumentValueByKey('files'); to fetch a list of file paths.


Check out the following resource for a example module. This example shows how to implement a mapping layer, which transforms data from CSV to CSV before running the import.